
By BiEPAG - 01 May , 2015

Policy Brief: Keep Up With Keeping Up

Policy Brief: Keep Up With Keeping Up
Policy Brief: Keep Up With Keeping Up

Last May, the Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group (BIEPAG) published the report “The Unful-filled promise: Completing the Balkan Enlargement”. The report identified four different scenarios highlighting opportunities and risks for the enlargement process. While there were some positive developments since the launch of the first BIEPAG report (among others, Albania became a candidate country; a proposal for the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Kosovo was adopted by the Commission; the launching of the Berlin Process), the words of the incumbent Commission President that no further enlargement would take place over the next five years cast a long shadow over the enlargement process. This year’s report will look at developments in the EU and the region to examine how they fit with our previous analysis and will make recommendations aimed, if not to shorten the time in the waiting room, to at least make it more rewarding.
